Slovenian Icehearts pilot project set to commence

By Marcus Hoy, ISCA

A new pilot project in Slovenia aims to establish a structured and safe environment for vulnerable children using Icehearts principles. Among its primary objectives are enhancing self-esteem and promoting better mental health within the target group, while providing them with a positive platform for peer interaction. Scheduled to commence in the 2024 academic year, the project will adhere to the Icehearts model under the guidance of the Sports Union of Slovenia (SUS).

Participants will be chosen from children of various age groups identified as vulnerable by social services. Groups will consist of a maximum of 20 children of similar ages. Through group activities and sports, the project will create a sense of community while nurturing participants' social skills and self-esteem. Continuous monitoring of each participant's progress, coupled with regular check-ins and assessments will ensure that participants’ individual needs are addressed. 

Mentors will closely monitor each child's progress, maintaining detailed records of their development, challenges, and achievements, and reporting this information to relevant stakeholders, including parents. Ongoing feedback will trigger adjustments to the support plan if needed.

The Sports Union of Slovenia will oversee management, communication, monitoring, and coordination of activities, including mentor workshops and training. Local sports clubs will assist in mentor recruitment and organise on-field activities. Regional social centres will handle participant recruitment and provide counselling and support, while municipalities and schools will contribute equipment and facilities. The initiative presents a great opportunity to establish a closer cooperation between the local stakeholders as well as advocating the need for this programme to decision makers at a local and national level. 

Recruitment and training processes involving interviews, background checks, training sessions and program protocols have been ongoing since the beginning of 2024. Personnel recruitment, facility preparation, and training are anticipated to be concluded by September 2024. The full program is slated to commence in September 2024, initially running until the summer of 2025.    

Read more stories about the Icehearts Europe pilot projects here.

Photos: Sports Union of Slovenia

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor HADEA can be held responsible for them."

Posted on 26/06/2024 by Marcus Hoy, ISCA

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor HADEA can be held responsible for them."