Italian pilot of the Icehearts Europe model underway

By Marcus Hoy, ISCA

Groundwork has commenced on a major Italian pilot based on the Finnish best practice, Icehearts, as part of the EU-supported Icehearts Europe project. In collaboration with the Italian sport for all association UISP APS, 20 groups of children and adolescents categorised by age will be established and assigned local Icehearts mentors in 13 towns across the nation. 

The objectives of the Icehearts Europe pilots include the promotion of social wellbeing, the prevention of social exclusion and the enhancement of social skills. An open and inclusive environment will encourage the sharing of best practice and promote trust and collaboration among stakeholders. 

Active participant involvement is anticipated throughout the pilot, including decision-making regarding recreational activities. The Icehearts Europe project is designed with maximum flexibility, allowing for adaptation to local conditions and the preferences of participants. The activities will have an educational and playful approach based on learning and social inclusion.

Pictured above: Icehearts Europe training for Italian mentors

Mentors will focus on developing self-esteem and life skills through encouraging sporting abilities and group participation. In order to assess progress, they will maintain regular contact with a national coordination group, communicate via WhatsApp groups and participate in regular online meetings. Mentors will receive continuous support from experienced sports instructors to facilitate their interactions with participants. Upon the project’s completion, each mentor will compile a report evaluating their activities 

The project will also bring together schools, sports organisations, cultural associations, municipalities and other stakeholders, with multisport and cultural activities held in local schools and sports clubs. The participating towns and cities have already been selected as the 20 mentors. In June UISP has organised a national training for all the mentors and the local coordinators and 4 national workshop to present the project. This nine-month project will begin to go live in September 2024 and all urban groups are expected to conclude their activities by June 2025.

Photos: UISP, Italy

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor HADEA can be held responsible for them."

Posted on 03/07/2024 by Marcus Hoy, ISCA

"Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HADEA). Neither the European Union nor HADEA can be held responsible for them."